"In this, the fourth volume of the epic Kotronias on the King’s Indian series, Grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias tackles a variety of White’s attempts to challenge his favourite opening, starting with the sequence 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6. The all-time greats Petrosian and Gligoric lend their names to systems examined after the further 5.Nf3 0–0 6.Be2 e5, with 7.d5 and 7.Be3 respectively, while the dreaded Exchange Variation 7.dxe5 is also discussed and dismantled. Dynamic coverage of Makogonov’s 5.Nf3/6.h3, Karpov’s 5.h3/6.Be3, Larsen’s 5.Nf3/6.Be3 and Averbakh’s 5.Be2 completes this extensive work.
[...]. A special selection of test positions is provided, enabling the reader to sharpen his tactical skills and improve his middlegame understanding."
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