"My System is at the top of a very short list of chess classics. Nimzowitsch’s ideas have had a profound influence on modern chess thinking. Most chess masters will at some point have studied Nimzowitsch’s work, and not to have read My System is by many regarded as a shocking gap in a chess player’s education.
The problem for an English-speaking audience has been that My System was written in German more than eighty years ago. The commonly-used contemporary translations have sounded dated for some time, and were always questionable: the translators frequently toned down many passages, fearing Nimzowitsch’s biting wit would be too controversial.
This edition uses a brand-new translation that recreates the author’s original intentions. [...]"
My system. A chess manual on totally new principles
Aron Nimzowitsch
Nouvelle traduction de l'allemand par Ian Adams
Quality Chess
Chess Classics
316 pages