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American Dream de Cyrus Lakdawala
  • American Dream de Cyrus Lakdawala

American Dream de Cyrus Lakdawala

24,95 €

Hikaru is a five-time US chess champion, ranked as high as second in the world with a stratospheric peak rating of 2816, the 10th highest of all time. He is also a top chess streamer with over a million followers across social media, consistently on the list of the five wealthiest gamers in the world. Nakamura has represented the US in 5 Olympiads, earning a team Gold and two Bronze medals.

“Naka’s” chess style is confrontational. He thrives on aggression, confrontation and complications, making him one of the most entertaining players in the world. In 72 fully annotated games, this book covers Hikaru’s most exciting and instructive battles against many of the world's top players. Opponents include world champions Carlsen, Kramnik, Anand, and Ding Liren, leading US rivals Caruana, So and Shankland, as well as other world-class players such as Short, Nepo, Gelfand, Karjakin, Topalov, and Kamsky.

Cyrus Lakdawala was born in Mumbai, India, in 1960, moved to Montreal, Canada, in 1966, and later moved at age 18 to San Diego, California, where he continues to reside. He reached a peak USCF rating of 2597 in 1994 and obtained the IM title in 2002. He i a 6-time Southern California State Champion and won the San Diego Chess Club Championship 23 times.

Cyrus began writing chess books in 2009 and since then has written 77 books, making him the most prolific chess writer in the world. He continues to coach and two of his students became International Masters. This is his second book for Elk and Ruby.

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American Dream. The Best Games of Hikaru Nakamura

Cyrus Lakdawala

Elk and Ruby


278 pages


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