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Johannes Zukertort Artist of the Chessboard de Jimmy Adams
  • Johannes Zukertort Artist of the Chessboard de Jimmy Adams

Johannes Zukertort Artist of the Chessboard de Jimmy Adams

34,95 €

As one of the contestants in the first official World Championship match in 1886, Johannes Hermann Zukertort (1842-1888), is undeniably one of the great players of chess history.

Despite a commanding lead in the early stages of that match, Zukertort ultimately had to bow for Steinitz, plagued by health problems that would cause his untimely death only two years later.

The high-point of Zukertort’s career was his triumph at the 1883 ‘super-tournament’ in London. His dazzling win against Blackburne still stands as one of the greatest games of all time.

Acclaimed chess author Jimmy Adams presents a selection of Zukertort’s best games, mainly annotated by Zukertort himself, and a collection of insightful articles on Zukertort from contemporary sources.

In this monumental book, originally published in 1989 in a limited edition and highly sought after by chess collectors, Jimmy Adams brings Zukertort’s masterpieces to the notice of today’s chess world and secures his rightful place in history as an important link between the old combinational and the modern positional school.

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Johannes Zukertort. Artist of the Chessboard

Jimmy Adams

New in Chess


542 pages


Fiche technique

Histoire des échecs
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